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Booking Engine


Channel Manager




the backend to Booking Engine


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Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


The portal for hotel groups


Price comparison


Event Booking

HNS Academy



You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

Individual hotel


You have questions?
Here are some answers.

Welcome, Benno. It’s been almost seven weeks since you joined us as our new Sales Manager. Time to take stock. Your start with us was very turbulent. On your second day, you went to the ITB.

Oh yes, you say something. That was really crazy. I didn’t actually know anyone from the team and then you spend three days at the trade fair together. It was very challenging, but also very cool. That immediately created a completely different vibe in the team. I would say that people got used to each other faster than they would have done here in the office. Fortunately, I wasn’t the only newcomer. Sascha also started with me. That made everything a little easier.

You last worked for a financial services provider. But you’re actually also a hotel kid.

In any case. I grew up in the hotel industry, so to speak. I started as a trainee in 2005. This was followed by various positions in 11 hotels. From intern to hotel manager, everything was included. But basically I come from the rooms area – reception, reservations, revenue. At some point, I went on to become Operations Manager and Hotel Manager.

I have never worked in a hotel. But some of the other colleagues were in really good hotels and always have funny stories to tell. Where have you been?

The Adlon or Hyatt is certainly familiar to many. But my time at the Hilton was also particularly impressive. I spent some time in Chicago at the founding hotel, which has an incredible 1,588 rooms. I also accompanied two new openings, for example. My last stop was Landgut Stober, the first and, as far as I know, still the only organic-certified conference hotel in Germany. I was there for almost 6 years and as Hotel Manager I was the first point of contact for almost everything – apart from the owner, of course. Incidentally, I got to know the HNS systems for the first time as a user at the Landgut.

Why have you switched sides now? And what appeals to you about sales?

I wanted to get to know a different side, take on a new challenge in order to grow personally… The request from HNS came at just the right time. I am delighted to be able to contribute my hotel expertise. My sales approach is consultative and solution-oriented. This fits in with our corporate philosophy. So I was sure that this could be a good fit. After almost 6 years as a user, I can definitely say that I am a huge fan of our systems. We simply offer added value for the hotels. This gives me the feeling and the confirmation of being in an innovative company where you never stand still…

What are you most looking forward to? Socializing and small talk are easy for you. I could imagine that you especially love the presentations?

A very clear yes. Presentations and advisory work are at the top of my list. I’ve always had a lot of responsibility for staff in the last few hotels and I’ve lived it with empathy and compassion. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and thus develop a better understanding of their needs. I would also like to apply this in my communication with our hoteliers and in my presentations. First and foremost, it’s our products that are convincing, not my persuasive powers.

Okay, let’s stop with the professional questions. The most interesting thing is always the person behind the new job position. I’ve already heard that you love motorcycles.

Oh yes, I am a passionate motorcyclist. My love goes so far that, together with my father, I can also be found at various motorsport circuits in Europe, but then only as a spectator. But I also like skiing and going to the gym a lot. But I prefer to be out. I have a garden that demands my full attention. Fortunately, my dog also needs a lot of exercise and I also have a cat. The two of them play a very big role in my life anyway. And I love Mallorca.

You live in tranquil Potsdam, but are not averse to the big city.

Absolutely not. I love the Berlin style. For many, it’s overwhelming, too loud, too dirty, too much. But it’s just the right thing for me. The pulsating, the international, the restless life. I really enjoy that – and after work I also like to enjoy a good meal and drinks in the company of others.

One last question, which I’m sure you’re not hearing for the first time. Your name is Benjamin, but everyone calls you Benno. Why not Benni? That is much more obvious.

Many people here have asked me the same question. This grew very early on during my school years, it has a family background. That’s why almost nobody calls me Benjamin. I am Benno. Even if it’s not on my ID card.

Thank you for the brief insight. We are very much looking forward to spending time with you and are very sure that you are exactly the piece of the puzzle that our Sales team was missing. 😊

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OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
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Wir beraten Sie gerne.

Füllen Sie unser Kontaktformular aus, schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail oder rufen Sie uns an: +49 30 770 193 000. Es gibt so viel zu erzählen.

OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
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