Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


Booking Engine


Channel Manager




the backend to Booking Engine


Meta, Payment, Yield, Apps

Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


The portal for hotel groups


Price comparison


Event Booking

HNS Academy



You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

Individual hotel


You have questions?
Here are some answers.

See through everything.

Welcome to your hotel’s control centre.

cbooking becomes HotelControl. Rediscover your hotel. HotelControl, the management system for OnePageBooking and Co. makes you the captain on board your hotel. Here you control and monitor all sales channels. Real-time data keeps your hotel on course and the variety of configuration options lets you arrive where you want to go.

Obeys to the word.

Use hot keys and operate HotelControl without taking your hand off the keys. You want to switch to the rate plan? Just type “ra” and all the menu items will appear with the matching letter combination. Press Enter and the rate plan appears. Help topics, booking numbers, guest names or statistics can also be accessed instantly.

HotelControl takes the success of your hotel personally and informs your team with the latest developments and turnover successes.

Pay now.

Second by second, HotelNetSolutions reassembles thousands of data points for you and recreates your hotel in numbers. The computing power for this alone is considerable, but indispensable. Data today is the basis for the right decisions tomorrow. With HotelControl, hoteliers can freely choose the configuration of the instruments and charts.

Different widgets with interesting statistics are available to you

A good plan for your rates.

The rate plan from HotelNetSolutions: As if from a bird’s eye view, you gain an overview of all important data and settings, day by day. Maintain prices, availabilities and control allotments in overview mode. Customise representation with different views and get there faster. Transfer data and settings to any time period with one click. Or change prices and configurations for each room individually. A rate planner for professionals who expect maximum speed with maximum flexibility.

Autocorrection for the rate plan.

The minimum stay plays an important role in the sales strategy of many hotels. As practical as this restriction can be, it can easily turn against you. Even after a short time, residual availability can arise, turning available rooms into shopkeepers. And only because your availability is below the set minimum stay. AMO is the Automated Minstay Optimiser and adjusts restrictions. If rooms are available but not as long as the set minimum stay, the restriction corrects itself automatically and the hotel room becomes bookable again.

Team up with HotelControl.

Joining forces to achieve more. Bring your employees into the team and create as many user accounts as you like in HotelControl. Distribute rights and control access to sensitive areas.

Codes as the key to success.

Booking codes are versatile. Whether as a promotional code in advertising campaigns, as a consolation gift for guests, as a discount for corporate customers or as a practical tool to convert guests into regulars. With a few simple steps, you can create booking codes of all kinds in HotelControl: with or without a time limit, with a discount on everything, individual rates or the room rate, with a one-time validity, limited according to contingents and much more.

Now success is preprogrammed.

Your hotel only has less than 5 rooms available? Increase prices by 10%, activate a minimum stay of 2 nights or close availability immediately on Booking.com & Co and sell rooms exclusively directly. Rate plan rule now gives you full control.

Further functions HotelControl

Watch the competition at work.

RateWatch doesn’t miss a thing. Determine which hoteliers you are particularly interested in. We provide you with valuable information on a daily basis. At RateWatch you track competitors like share prices. However, up to 365 days in advance. Monitor prices, occupancy rates and be the first to know what’s new. Durchschauen Sie den Markt, reagieren Sie flexibel auf aktuelle Situationen und passen Sie das eigene Angebot jederzeit an.

Supplementary product

The best OnePageBooking ever.

With OnePageBooking, the holiday begins for guests as soon as they book. And for you, a whole new chapter as an internet hotelier.

Add Your Tooltip Text Here!

Included product

Welcome to your hotel’s control centre.

With HotelControl you take control of your hotel on the internet. Gain an edge through data, set smart rate plan rules and keep all the strings in your hand.

Supplementary product

Discover a completely new site in itself.

HotelNetSolutions presents HotelWebsites. The website builder of tomorrow, for the hotelier of today.

Aroused interest?

We are happy to answer any question
and look forward to hearing from you.

Aroused interest?

We are happy to answer any questions and look forward to hearing from you.

Wir beraten Sie gerne.

Füllen Sie unser Kontaktformular aus, schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail oder rufen Sie uns an: +49 30 770 193 000. Es gibt so viel zu erzählen.

OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
Ich bin nicht sicher
Ich bin nicht sicher: Sie wissen noch nicht, welches Produkt es sein soll? Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl und geben Ihnen einen allgemeinen Überblick über unsere Systemlandschaft.

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