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Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


Internet Booking Engine


Channel Manager


Voucher Shop


Event Booking


Meta, Payment, Yield, Apps

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HotelWebsites, MultiPropertyView ...

Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


The portal for hotel groups


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Partner webinars

HNS Academy

Technology webinars

HNS Academy


You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

Individual hotel


You have questions?
Here are some answers.

If you ask our support team, there is probably no topic more explosive than the question of setting price surcharges for overnight stays for children – especially in the holiday hotel industry. High time, then, that we devote ourselves once again to the young generation.

In our next webinar, we will take an in-depth look at price surcharges for overnight stays for children (in their parents’ room). Admittedly, every hotel has its own ideas on how the surcharges should be formed. We offer different options for this. We will mainly look at the areas of public and packages using the example of OnePageBooking 6.

Are you in? It all starts on 22.08.2023 at 11 am.

The event will be recorded and a handout will be sent afterwards. So if you don’t have time, register anyway and note that you only want the recording and handout.

You do not have OnePageBooking 6 but would still like to participate? Gladly. However, some of the settings that will be discussed may not be compatible with your version of the booking screen.

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Behind the Scenes

Robert Hädicke, our new trouble shooter

Without question, interfaces are indispensable for your direct sales. But the human interfaces between you and our development department are really indispensable for your daily

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We are happy to answer any questions and look forward to hearing from you.