Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


Internet Booking Engine


Channel Manager


Voucher Shop


Event Booking


Meta, Payment, Yield, Apps

more products

HotelWebsites, MultiPropertyView ...

Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


The portal for hotel groups


Price comparison


Control & Analysis

Partner webinars

HNS Academy

Technology webinars

HNS Academy


You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

Individual hotel


You have questions?
Here are some answers.

Let´s talk tech!

Discover your inner nerd. We’ll take you into the engine room of HotelNetSolutions and explain to you all the buttons, levers and steering wheels. Set smart rules in your rate plan, set up packages correctly, manage meta searchers and learn some tricks from the players themselves.

  • Capacity
    60 minutes online training
  • Topics
    Selected topics on technical application areas of our solutions
  • For whom
    Exclusively for HotelNetSolutions customers
  • Fees
    free of charge
  • Cancellation options
    Cancellable free of charge

Countless possibilities

    Countless possibilities. But which attitude suits me best?
  • DATE
    06.06.2024 from 11 to 12 o’clock
    Julia Schäfer
  • Fees
    free of charge
  • Cancellation options
    Cancellable free of charge

That’s what it’s all about:

Your HotelControl training has just finished and your head is spinning from all the setting options in OnePageBooking? Have you been using our booking engine for a long time and simply lost track? We can help. In our free webinar on 6 June 2024, we will provide you with a list of priorities.

If you answer ‘yes’ to these two questions, you’ve come to the right place:

  • Have you often asked yourself whether you are utilising the full potential of OnePageBooking?
  • Are you making adjustments but don’t really know if it’s the best thing for your home?

Admittedly, some settings are a matter of taste. But not all of them. 😉 Here’s how it works: if enough hotels want a certain setting option, we develop it. After all, you have to like our products. Not (only) us. We can live with all the settings – otherwise they wouldn’t have made it onto our roadmap – but we simply like some settings much better than others. Why? Because we believe that they offer you particularly high added value.

We will discuss what these are in the next webinar on Thursday, 6 June 2024 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you are unable to attend live, you are welcome to visit our webinar portal later. We will upload the webinar there.

Registration and procedure

How can I register?

Please fill out the form below. If you would like to register more than one person, please complete the webinar more than once. 

How is the webinar conducted?

We work with Microsoft Teams. As soon as we receive your registration, we will send you a confirmation of participation with the access link.