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Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


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You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

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You have questions?
Here are some answers.

Your new digital team member for the hotel comes directly from Berlin – and has recently become a certified partner of HotelNetSolutions. DialogShift relieves hotels with chatbot solutions that automatically answer queries around the clock in countless languages and at various points of contact with the guest. He (or she) is always available, improves the service for your guests and, best of all, leads directly to a booking. DialogShift is the market leader for chatbot solutions in the DACH region. Every third person who gets in touch with your DialogShift chatbot ends up booking a stay. This gives you and your employees time for what really matters in the hotel industry: great service. DialogShift’s customized chatbots work with the latest AI technology and are designed to increase engagement and conversion.

Advantages for your hotel at a glance

  • Hotel chatbot based on the latest AI technology, which is constantly being further developed.
  • Human-like conversations increase customer satisfaction.
  • Employee relief.
  • Intelligent handover to staff (live chat).
  • Different languages and automatic translation in the live chat app.
  • The integration of the booking engine (IBE) makes it easier to turn chats into bookings.
  • Channels: Website chat, WhatsApp, Google Business Messages, Code2Order, Facebook Messenger, web chat.
  • High guest engagement through guided dialogs with quick reply buttons.
  • For small hotels and large hotel chains.
  • Team collaboration through intelligent message routing (queueing).
  • Proactive messaging at key points in the guest journey.
  • Statistics dashboard and detailed reports on chatbot performance.
  • Full-service setup.
  • Data security & GDPR compliance according to German regulations.

Your contact person

Copyright: Svea Pietschmann/BTW

If you are interested in a connection, please contact Olga Heuser at olga.heuser@dialogshift.com.

Please also request a quote from us. You will incur costs for the connection.

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Robert Hädicke, our new trouble shooter

Without question, interfaces are indispensable for your direct sales. But the human interfaces between you and our development department are really indispensable for your daily

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