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Internet Booking Engine


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Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


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HNS Academy


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You have questions?
Here are some answers.

With OnePageBooking, your event guests can also book hotel rooms online from a fixed contingent – conveniently and completely flexibly in terms of time via our call-off contingents.

In OnePageBooking 6 there is now an extension of the function. Now stays with children can also be booked. This makes the call-off quota area a real option not only for corporate events, but finally also for family celebrations such as birthdays or weddings.

Would you like to refresh your knowledge about call-off quotas in your OnePageBooking? Then be there, because we are devoting ourselves to this topic in our next webinar on 30.03.2023, in the time from 11 to 12 am. Please register by 29.03.2023 at the latest.

Even if you work with OnePageBooking 5, this webinar might be exciting for you. In OnePageBooking 5, bookings with children are not yet possible in the call-off quotas, but all other settings have not changed.

Customers who are still working with OnePageBooking 4 will only benefit from this webinar to a limited extent. But feel free to register and take a look at the new OnePageBooking 6.

You don’t want to miss the webinar but don’t have time on 30.03.2023? No problem! Send us an email at marketing@hotelnetsolutions.de. We will then send you a handout and the recording by e-mail.

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