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Almost inconspicuous, the Tresanton Hotel is located on the coast of St Mawes in southern England. Formerly a yacht club, it now hosts guests from all over the world, who are guaranteed a view of the sea from each of the 30 or so hotel rooms. “Inconspicuous” that also describes in large part the life of Olga Polizzi, the owner, who for a long time was in the shadow of her father and brother. With the Hotel Tresanton and the two other hotels of the Polizzi Collection (The Star and Hotel Endsleigh) she has now fulfilled a dream of which she had no idea until then.

Even though it was never her plan to own a hotel one day, the likeable hotelier and interior designer describes it in retrospect as probably the best thing she could have done. In her hotels, she now finally has the opportunity to realize her own dreams. All her life Olga Polizzi has worked in the hotel and design business and describes this as a very special love – and you can feel this when you hear her talk about her hotel and look at the pictures of her unique hotel, which not only has a beach club, a bar for dogs and a garden area for children, but also offers excursions on the hotel’s own yacht Pinuccia.

Even though it was never her plan to own a hotel one day, the likeable hotelier and interior designer describes it in retrospect as probably the best thing she could have done. In her hotels, she now finally has the opportunity to realize her own dreams. All her life Olga Polizzi has worked in the hotel and design business and describes this as a very special love – and you can feel this when you hear her talk about her hotel and look at the pictures of her unique hotel, which not only has a beach club, a bar for dogs and a garden area for children, but also offers excursions on the hotel’s own yacht Pinuccia.

For the Tresanton Hotel, Jonathan Lawley, brand manager of the Polizzi Collection, was looking for a booking screen at the end of 2022 that would be compatible with the systems already implemented at the hotel, while also fitting in with the property. Over the past five years, he has worked a lot with IT companies in the hospitality industry and has already seen a few systems, Jonathan reported. Surely he could have chosen another booking screen that simply works and allows online bookings, he told. But it was above all the futuristic design and attention to detail that convinced him and were important decision-making criteria for the hotel. “There simply wasn’t an alternative that fit our needs as well,” Jonathan Lawley said in an interview. OnePageBooking 6 was still in its infancy at that time. The first customers had already started setting up the system, but there were not many field reports on the new version of the classic from Berlin at the time.

“The Guest Journey of this booking screen is one of the best I have ever seen. Still a relatively new product, it was absolutely worth the trust for us. We knew it was going to be good.”

Jonathan Lawley

And the trust should not be disappointed, because the hotel now gets more reservations via the hotel’s own booking site than before the switch to OnePageBooking 6. For Jonathan Lawley, online booking plays an important role: “On the phone, we can’t bring the hotel to life as well. Online, guests can see our great hotel pictures and get more detailed room descriptions. People can look at all the options at their leisure and browse a bit. The more appealing the booking process is designed, the more comfortable our guests feel even before their stay at Hotel Tresanton. That’s important to us.”. And that fits perfectly with the philosophy of OnePageBooking – a machine that doesn’t really want to be a machine. Much more, she wants to be perceived as a real hotel employee who is available 24/7 and accompanies the future guests clearly, on one page, until the booking is completed. It goes without saying that this does not only have to work well on the desktop. In times of “mobile first!”, HotelNetSolutions always has the mobile version of their booking screen firmly in mind.

But even beyond that, the system should primarily take work off your hands: Bookings are automatically transferred to the hotel software and confirmed by e-mail to the bookers. Possible advance payments are handled by the hotel via the hotel software. The reception team only assigns the hotel rooms. Jonathan Lawley is more than satisfied. “The support is fantastic, knowledgeable and helpful. Our project manager, who supported me during the initial setup phase, did a really great job!”. He set up the system on his own, he tells us: “Precisely because it’s so simple and everything works automatically, so you don’t have to log into the system to OnePageBooking 6 regularly, we didn’t have to provide a big team to set it up.”

Design and attention to detail are one thing, but what features are most important to the Tresanton Hotel is what interests us. In addition to the required interfaces, booking stays with children, selling extra services and packages, and setting options for special offers were also crucial for the hotel in Cornwall. When asked about his favorite feature in OnePageBooking 6, Jonathan Lawley answered without thinking twice, “The Package Promotion.” With this, packages below the regular price types can be presented in a visually highlighted way in order to offer guests further alternatives at a glance.

“The Tresanton Hotel is never finished.”

(Olga Polizzi)

A commonality that connects us with each other. OnePageBooking will probably never really be finished either: Constant analyses, market observations, trend developments and an open ear for the feedback of our customers and partners ensure that certain areas always evolve and that tried and tested things are allowed to remain. And what is changing at the Hotel Tresanton right now? Just recently, the garden in front of the hotel was purchased and redesigned to provide guests with direct access to the sea. Something you can’t find anywhere else in the immediate area. But you also meet consistency in the hotel. So the restaurant, the owner’s favorite space, hasn’t really changed visually in the past 20 years.

The feedback from guests on the booking process, which can be collected automatically via OnePageBooking 6, is consistently positive: excellent, easy to navigate, clear, fast, smooth are adjectives and descriptions that can be read again and again. And because the booking mask from Berlin is also so well received in the UK, the second hotel in the Polizzi Hotel Collection, Hotel Endsleigh, is expected to go live with its new OnePageBooking 6 in January 2024.

If you feel like a trip to the south of England, you should book one of the 30 rooms right here. Olga Polizzi advises to take a few days to fully enjoy the special ambience of the Tresanton:

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OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
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Füllen Sie unser Kontaktformular aus, schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail oder rufen Sie uns an: +49 30 770 193 000. Es gibt so viel zu erzählen.

OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
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