Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


Booking Engine


Channel Manager




the backend to Booking Engine


Meta, Payment, Yield, Apps

Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


The portal for hotel groups


Price comparison


Event Booking

HNS Academy



You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

Individual hotel


You have questions?
Here are some answers.

Our developers work day in, day out to further optimise our products and develop new ideas. With their technical expertise, they ensure that our software solutions are always up to date, function smoothly and that errors are quickly rectified. So that you know who is working hard behind our code, we give you a look behind the scenes. Curtain up for our programming heroes.

Amir – Favours juggling with data

As a backend developer, Amir is responsible for providing, transferring and processing data. And he does this in a way that is understandable both for our system and for others. Amir loves to delve into detailed investigations and has an eye for detail.

What I like most about my work is… writing clean code.

My next holiday destination is… one of these countries: Sweden, the Netherlands or Switzerland.

What I like most about Berlin… the lively nightlife.

My favourite thing to do at the weekend is… watch films and go cycling if my children let me.

Three words that describe me are… Hardworking. Sporty. The rest should be said by my colleagues.

Hardik – Take a close look at the exterior.

As a senior front-end developer, he deals with the design of new features. Complex tasks with a very high priority often end up on Hardik’s desk. He also specialises in Angular, Redux and JavaScript – if you know anything about them. We certainly don’t.

The weekend … I spend with my family. I also play badminton at the club. We also go to tournaments from time to time. I like being active. It’s the best way to switch off. And I also enjoy competing with others in sports.

My last travel destination … was Venice. And it is absolutely recommendable. My expectations were not disappointed. The extraordinary architecture and the beautiful canals. It’s simply an incredible city.

Three words about me … sporty, passionate, committed

Ishantha – Has the hat when it comes to the front end.

Ishantha makes sure that the front-end team harmonises perfectly. Analysing, planning and implementing new features is on his daily schedule at HNS. The main goal is to bring high-quality products to market maturity together with his team. Despite all the strategy, he is a developer at heart and loves to lend a hand.

My day starts with … my e-mails and my favourite Ceylon tea. But sometimes it can also be coffee.

If I could eat one dish every day … it would be curry rice, of course. I’m not quite as addicted as Sajad. But rice is still my absolute favourite meal.

My next holiday destination … My wife and I haven’t yet decided where to go this summer. Austria and Paris are on our wish list. Whether you should fly to Paris during the Olympic Games remains to be seen. But it must be an incredibly beautiful city.

Jhalak – Ensures the quality of our products

Jhalak not only has a special role in her area of expertise, but also in our team. She is the only woman among our developers.☺️ As a Quality Assurance Engineer, she is responsible for the quality assurance of our products. She develops comprehensive test plans, carries out various tests and identifies all errors and defects so that you can use our products flawlessly.

My favourite thing about my job is… that it never gets boring. There’s something new to explore and test every day.

My favourite thing about Berlin… the open-minded atmosphere makes the city a really dynamic and inspiring place.

My favourite things to do at the weekend are… having a cup of tea on the balcony, testing new recipes in the kitchen or out and about in the city.

My next travel destination is… Copenhagen.

Jitendra – The man for the channels.

The cornerstone of many new channel connections lies with Jitendra. His favourite is the one with the really complicated code. His goal: a stable, robust and scalable environment for every new partner. Jitendra specialises primarily in channels with the AlpineBits standard.

My day starts with … a status check of the tasks. I see which to-do’s cannot be postponed and start with them.

After work … I keep myself busy with the latest tech innovations.

At the weekend … my favourite thing to do is spend time with my family and friends. We love going to the beach or trying out new restaurants. I also like watching films. But they have to be really good films to make it worthwhile.

Three words that describe me … analytical, committed and optimistic.

Omid – Loves technical challenges

As a Senior Backend Developer, Omid’s job is to prevent errors. He achieves this by maintaining our systems. In addition to ensuring system performance, his tasks also include implementing new systems. Omid loves using the latest technologies and enjoys taking on technical challenges.

What I like most about my work is… mastering new technical challenges every day and successfully implementing new systems.

If I could eat one dish every day… grilled chicken and lamb kebab.

What I like best about Berlin… are the many quiet suburbs and the coexistence of different cultures.

After work, you’ll find me… at home behind my laptop.

Sajad – loves to develop new functions

Sajad is responsible for the backend of HNS. His daily tasks involve OnePageBooking, VoucherBooking and the online booking portals. In addition to programming new functions, he would love to spend the whole day checking our code down to the smallest detail. What else does he like to do? Familiarising himself with the API documentation of new interface partners.

If I could eat one dish every day, it would be… Everyone knows that by now. I have to eat at least one dish with rice every day.

After work, you can find me… usually in the gym.

My next travel destination is… I was recently in Paris. And next on my list are Marmaris or Istanbul in Turkey.

What I like about Berlin… the public transport, the variety of restaurants and the nightlife.

Suyog – User-friendliness is particularly important to us.

According to Suyog, a new function must be ‘smooth’. In our language, this means something like ‘user-friendly’ or ‘intuitive’. As a front-end developer, his goal is for you to have fun using it. But Suyog doesn’t just scratch the surface. He also loves to develop features from scratch.

My favourite dish… Pani puri. A kind of Indian street food. Everyone should have tried it at least once in their life. These are deep-fried dough balls that are filled with all sorts of things. Super tasty.

Next travel destination… Spain is still missing from my Europe bucket list. I hear the beaches are great. Sand under your feet, a cocktail in your hand and just lazing around.

What I like about Berlin… that it’s multi-cultural. Whether it’s quiet parks, loud techno clubs… you’ll find the right place for every mood. What’s more, within a radius of 10 kilometres you can try (almost) every cuisine in the world.

Zeeshan – It has to be clear and effective.

As a backend developer, Zeeshan is keen to write clear and effective code. After all, every one of his colleagues should understand it immediately. Zeeshan has a hand in many of our interfaces. But his favourite thing is challenging tasks that can’t be put off. Incidentally, he is also our pro for all database issues.

My next travel destination … Kyoto in Japan. I want to get to know the temples, the gardens and the Japanese culture.

After work … I’m at the gym. Thanks to my colleague Thomas. He has infected me with his sports mania.

What I like about Berlin … the tech community and the cultural diversity make Berlin a perfect place to live for me. Once a Berliner, always a Berliner.

My favourite food is … Biryani, a savoury rice dish. Without question the best ever. It’s super tasty and you can combine it with many flavours.

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OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
Ich bin nicht sicher
Ich bin nicht sicher: Sie wissen noch nicht, welches Produkt es sein soll? Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl und geben Ihnen einen allgemeinen Überblick über unsere Systemlandschaft.

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Wir beraten Sie gerne.

Füllen Sie unser Kontaktformular aus, schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail oder rufen Sie uns an: +49 30 770 193 000. Es gibt so viel zu erzählen.

OnePageBooking: Ein exzellentes Restaurant erkennt man oft daran, dass das Menü auf eine einzige Seite passt. Warum sollte es bei der Onlinebuchung Ihres Hotels anders sein. Mit OnePageBooking buchen Gäste mühelos ihre gesamte Reise und bleiben bis zum Ende mit dabei.
RateDistributor: Der Channel-Manager für den Hotelier von heute. Kommunizieren Sie mit der ganzen Welt des Reisens. Ein Klick reicht. Übertragen Sie in Echtzeit neueste Zimmerpreise, Verfügbarkeiten und Restriktionen. Vermeiden Sie Fehler und Überbuchungen.
VoucherBooking: Der vollautomatische Gutscheingenerator. Einmal eingerichtet, arbeitet VoucherBooking von ganz alleine und versorgt Ihre Kunden mit individuellen Gutscheinen für jeden Anlass.
MultiPropertyView: Die übersichtliche Plattform für alle Häuser. Ob internationale Hotelgruppe oder kleine Hotelfamilie – auf diesem Buchungsportal finden Gaste unter Ihren Hotels das richtige.
Schnittstellen: Zertifizierte Schnittstellen verbinden Ihr Hotel mit der ganzen Welt. Ganz gleich ob OTAs, MetaSearcher, Yield-Manager oder Payment-Provider.
HotelControl: Die Steuerzentrale für OnePageBooking und RateDistributor. Übernehmen Sie mit HotelControl die Kontrolle über Ihr Hotel im Internet.
RateMonitor: Vergleichen Sie die Preise, bevor es Ihre Gäste tun können. Das schafft Vertrauen und hält die Besucher auf der Buchungsseite.
HNS Academy
HNS Academy: Wir wollen unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen für die optimale Vermarktung Ihres Hotels gerne teilen. Am besten an Ihr ganzes Team. Es lohnt sich.
Termine & Events
Termine & Events: Wir leben in besonderen Zeiten. Doch es tut uns allen gut, über die Zukunft nachzudenken und gemeinsam Pläne zu schmieden.
Ich bin nicht sicher
Ich bin nicht sicher: Sie wissen noch nicht, welches Produkt es sein soll? Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl und geben Ihnen einen allgemeinen Überblick über unsere Systemlandschaft.

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