Shortly before the ITB in Berlin, we would like to provide you with some good news. As we all know, that can never hurt. OnePageBooking is looking forward to many small improvements and innovative ideas.
Big time: Microstays at OnePageBooking.

The big day has arrived: OnePageBooking 6 now supports DayUse. The entire booking process, including confirmation, has been redesigned for this purpose. Bookings and costs are now calculated per day and no longer per overnight stay. Would you like to set up DayUse in your hotel? Please follow our operating instructions. If you have any questions or uncertainties, our support team is always available to help you.”
Maps sharper than ever.

We have reworked and tidied up the design of our map material. We have replaced pixels with vectors. All site plans now appear in OnePageBooking 6 in razor-sharp detail. Did you know that you can mark interesting places for guests on the hotel map? Whether it’s a ski lift, restaurant, museum or well-known snack bar – with our POI editor in HotelControl you can create a personalized map of the area for your guests.
It’s better to book without questions.

Without a doubt. Guests don’t just want to book, they also want to ask questions. Is the parking lot guarded? Is the parrot allowed in the room? Pepsi or Coke in the minibar? Hoteliers themselves know best where guests’ shoes pinch when booking. The new FAQ module on OnePageBooking 6 now leaves no questions unanswered.
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