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Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


Internet Booking Engine


Channel Manager


Voucher Shop


Event Booking


Meta, Payment, Yield, Apps

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HotelWebsites, MultiPropertyView ...

Our solutions

Manage the internet. Don’t let the internet manage you.


The portal for hotel groups


Price comparison


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HNS Academy

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HNS Academy


You tell us your hotel type and we tell you the advantages. Deal?

Hotel Group

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You have questions?
Here are some answers.

Now it’s official. We have been working on the interface for a long time – now it’s here. We are now an official partner of HUGO Hotelsoftware. This means a lot less work for all our hoteliers who use HUGO as their PMS.

What is HUGO hotel software?

HUGO is easy to use, flexible and inexpensive. Our new partner has a simple price structure, no commitment period and can be used flexibly on any scale. From private room providers, apartments, guesthouses, B&Bs to hotel chains.

What are the benefits of this partnership?

With their super simple operation and cool features, they help hoteliers to manage their hotels even better and at the same time offer their guests the best service.

Our new interface to HUGO makes data synchronization between the systems super easy and, above all, fully automatic. This means less manual adjustment, fewer errors and more time for what really counts: Making guests happy!

If you would like to find out more about how you can benefit from our partnership with HUGO Hotelsoftware, register directly via the following link.

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10 facts you should know about HNS.

We are proud to support hoteliers in mainly German-speaking countries with innovative solutions. Since 2006, our goal has been to provide everything needed for successful

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Event overview in autumn

September is just around the corner and it’s high time to usher in the ‘hot autumn’. Countless events lie ahead of us. And with them,

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